All Art is Contemporary – Saturday

Saturday, April 22

12 pm - 3 pm

Free for all Remake Learning Day Enthusiasts

Sarasota Art Museum

Sarasota Art Museum in collaboration with Atomica Arts, Wholehearted Education and local Teaching Artists invites families to learn about how to look at art, explore art elements and make art TOGETHER in a vibrant and colorful experience. Through engaging workshops, participants will discover current works, artists tools and their own forms of expression.

Join us by reserving a spot for the below workshops and/or join us 1- 3 pm for Open Art Studios .

Remake Learning Days - April 22

12 pm – Mindfulness for Kids and Parents
with Maria Shaedler-Luera | Atomica Arts

Join Drama and Mindfulness Teaching Artist Maria Schaedler-Luera from Atomica Arts and learn how looking at art using mindful techniques, inner inquiry, and creative expression can help you open up to life with all its challenges and delights. Families who attend will be given a code to download a video in English or Spanish to continue their home practice together.

1 pm – The Joy of Dance
with Xiao-Xuan Yang | Sarasota Contemporary Dance

This Dance class is the perfect introduction for your child to build trust with their parents while moving and exploring the joy of Modern dance. It is filled with Music, movement , dance, props, teamworks and choreography. Each session is created to develop your child’s physical and mental growth.

2 pm – The Artist Tools
with Jessica DiLorenzo McHugh | Wholehearted Education

Throughout this engaging experiential workshop, families will learn about the elements of art. They will look at current works of art in the museum, discover tools artists use to convey meaning and make an impact, and they will have an opportunity to create a piece of art TOGETHER! Jessica DiLorenzo McHugh, Arts Integration Curriculum Specialist, will lead families through this hands on, collaborative activity.

1 – 3pm – Open Art Studios
No Reservations necessary.


Weekly Programs